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Lippy People's storytellers recently hosted two screening events to premiere videos co-created through the Life, Loss, Learning, Legacy (4Ls) project with adults with learning disabilities and carers.

The screening events brought together support workers, carers, friends, family and other stakeholders to watch the video stories and engage in conversations about the issues and personal experiences they highlight and the universal themes within.

Two groups of storytellers have now shared their video stories at screening events as part of a three-part pilot project working with adults with learning disabilities and carers. These incredibly powerful stories and the response to the project from all stakeholders has emphasised the pressing need for peer-led, creative bereavement support services and the enthusiasm that the 4Ls has already garnered within the wider community.


Hosted at the Jamyang Buddhist Centre, the first group screening was attended by circles of support and potential storytellers, as well as the current cohort of beneficiaries and their support workers. The event also provided an opportunity for partner organisations to see the video stories produced by beneficiaries at the conclusion of the project. And the response to the videos produced by Stanley, Kenny, Ann-Louise, Kelly, Patricia and Leanne was amazing.

Numerous family members expressed that they had never heard their loved ones speak so openly, clearly and articulately about the loss they had experienced, while everyone in attendance was clearly moved by the powerful stories of loss and subsequent imposed disempowerment contained within the stories.

This project aims to highlight the difficulties that adults with learning disabilities face as a result of statutory service providers failing to communicate adequately, whether this be with the intention of preventing further upset, or as a result of believing that they simply will not understand the situation.

The screening was an eye-opening experience for audience members who recognised their own experiences in those on screen and spoke passionately about the importance of raising awareness and engaging in self-led advocacy, using the video stories as a tool in this regard.

“I thought it was a fantastic event. I’d never heard my daughter speak so openly about her grief and it was amazing to see her on the screen, speaking so clearly. We just want people to understand that people with learning disabilities have the same feelings and emotions as others, and these videos really help to do this.” [Audience member/partner]
“It was really exciting to have people see my story and then to talk about it afterwards. I really hope that my video can help people and talking really does help.” [Storyteller]


The second screening was hosted at the Vinery Centre, where storytellers were joined by

family, friends and representatives of various statutory providers and support organisations.

After watching five incredible video stories produced by Sally, Denise, Aarron, Amali and Shobhi, attendees engaged in interesting conversation about the learning they had taken from each of the videos.

Family members once again told Lippy People that they were amazed to see their loved ones speak so articulately and openly about their experiences of loss and said that the videos would go a long way to articulate their true feelings.

The videos started important and difficult conversations around the support and services provided to adults with learning disabilities, and organisations expressed their intention to continue these conversations at a later date and to discuss how the videos can be used to improve their provision, for instance in staff training and awareness raising.

“I thought it was a really great way to highlight the experience of adults with learning disabilities when they lose someone important to them. We need to do better to treat the whole person with respect and ensure we communicate properly at all times. These stories will definitely help achieve this.” [Screening attendee]

Lippy People have just completed the third project in this pilot 4Ls working with adults withlearning disabilities and carers. The third cohort of beneficiaries have created stories focussing on their experiences as carers, which will be presented at a screening event in January. Keep an eye on social media for news about this event and how to attend - we hope to see as many people there as possible to learn more about the experiences of our incredibly brave and inspirational storytellers, and to engage in conversation about these experiences.

Please see the videos created so far by clicking here.

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At Lippy People we are always looking to work with new partners and organisations.  Please do get in touch with us to find out more about our work or to connect with us.  We also accept donations towards our 4Ls programme and are extremely grateful for any support which can help us reach more video storytellers.

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